If you suffer from back pain, you are not alone. Back pain is the most common reason for physician visits in the United States. Living with severe pain can not only interfere with your quality of life, it can interfere with your ability to work and enjoy time doing the physical activities you love the most. Spinal cord stimulation is a proven therapy that offers a treatment option for chronic pain. It is most commonly used to treat low back and leg pain. Spinal cord stimulation uses electrical pulses to interrupt pain signals, resulting in pain relief. Many people with chronic low back and leg pain have received relief with spinal cord stimulation. A common side effect of spinal cord stimulation is tingling or buzzing sensation known as paresthesia. Coast Spine & Sports Medicine now provides HF10 therapy for spinal cord stimulation which does not cause paresthesia and allows the patient to focus solely on pain relief. To learn more about HF10 therapy or schedule a consultation, please contact 888-826-1660.Follow us on social media:
Jan 17 Coast Spine & Sports Medicine New Spinal Cord Stimulation Treatment HF10
by CoastSpineMed | Jan 17, 2019 | Uncategorized | 0 comments